The Legend of the "Tripeiros" (tripe-eaters)A long time ago, by the River Douro, there was a group of workers. These workers, led by Master Vaz, built vessels and ships.One day, the workers started to ask each other what was the use of these vessels they were building.Então cada um tinha uma opinião diferente, uns diziam que era para levarem D. João I a fazer uma grande viagem; outros diziam que era para levarem os Infantes até Itália para se casarem.
Each of them had a different opinion. Some said that D. João I would use the vessels to travel for a long time; others said that the vessels would take the infants to Italy to get married.
Até que um dia o Infante D. Henrique chegou ao Porto e foi observar os trabalhos, tendo ficado surpreendido e satisfeito. Contou ao Mestre Vaz a razão pela qual andavam há tanto tempo a construir aqueles barcos. D. Henrique explicou-lhe que iam conquistar Ceuta.
One day the Infant D. Henrique arrived in Oporto and observed their work. He was very happy with the work. D. Henrique told Master Vaz that they would conquer Ceuta.
Master Vaz told The Infant that the workers would build the vessels on time.The inhabitants of Oporto gave the best meat to the sailors for their journey and kept the tripe.
Os Infantes partiram e os habitantes do Porto fizeram vários pratos deliciosos com tripas. Assim foram chamados de Tripeiros.
The inhabitants of Oporto cooked delicious dishes during the sailors' journey. So they were called "Tripeiros " (tripe-eaters).
Texto elaborado por: Filipa Cortez, nº7 do 6ºB
Ilustrações de: Érica Fernandes, Isidro Lopes, José Manuel Pinto, Leandro Teixeira, Luís Simões, Marta Regadas, Pedro Sousa, Tânia Araújo (6ºB)
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